CrossFit Weddington – CrossFit

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Pre Workout (No Measure)

3 Minutes of Zone1


7-9 minutes of Mobility

*Ankles, Hips, T-spine, Shoulders

*Foam Roll Lats

*Lacrosse Ball Scap

*Lacrosse Ball Pec

*Foam Roll Hamstring down to calves

*Side Lying DB ext x 10/side

*Single Leg RDL x 10/side

*Monster Walk

A: Shoulder Press (3 EMOM @50% for 9 min w/ 3sec negative “30X0”)

10 Banded Pull Apart each set

B: Strict Pull-up

Max Rep Strict Pull-up x 3 with 90 sec between attempts. Score is reps from best set. Any grip no kip…

C: Wide Grip Barbell Row (3×8 Moderate Weight)

D: Ziggy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP

5 Pull-up

10 Push Press 115/85

5 T2B

100m Run

Finished (No Measure)

3 rounds

:30 sec Couch Stretch each side

1 min Straddle Stretch

Down Dog 1 min