CrossFit Weddington – CrossFit

Active Mobility (No Measure)

5 min Constant KB Movement

10 Pass-through w/ OHS

Foam Roll Upper T’s

Banded Pulls

Sampson Stretch

Practice Wall Facing Handstand Holds

Monster Walk

Single Leg RDL

A: Turkish Get Up (1 every :30sec for 8 min. Only to the bridge.)

B: Front Rack KB March (3x80ft single arm bottoms up march)

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP

30 Burpee Buy-in

then AMRAP

5 T2B

15 KBS 24/16

200m Run

2 min Max Cal SkiErg (Calories)

It is Done (No Measure)

3 Rounds

20 Hollow Rock

1 min Plank

:30 sec Couch Stretch

1 min Straddle Stretch