Warm-Up / Skills

Group Dynamic Warm-up

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Exercise: Back Squat/lbs
Reps: 5@40%,5@50%,5@60%
Comment: Numbers are based off of 90%
of 1RM.
Weindler Cycle wk4/wave1


4 Rounds
3min AMRAP’s
31 Double Unders
12 Pull-up
Max Barbell Complex 115/85
(Barbell Complex 4 PC, 4 FS, 4 S2OH)
there is no rest between rounds and bar may
not be dropped during each BB Complex

Result Type: AMRAP
Male Rx: 115 lbs
Female Rx: 85 lbs

Tomorrow is the first day of 2013. You don’t have any excuses…. We are in the middle of a 2 month Fitness Challenge, and the Whole30 Starts Wednesday. So Party like it 2012, and get ready to start the best year of your life…..