CrossFit Weddington – CrossFit

Pre Workout (No Measure)

3 Minutes of Zone1


7-9 minutes of Mobility

*Ankles, Hips, T-spine, Shoulders

*Foam Roll Lats

*Lacrosse Ball Scap

*Lacrosse Ball Pec

*Foam Roll Hamstring down to calves

*Side Lying DB ext x 10/side

*Single Leg RDL x 10/side

*Monster Walk

A1: Seated DB Shoulder Press (4 sets of 8-10 )

A2: Reverse Grip BB Row (4×8-10 )

B: Block Party 1 (Time)

Teams of 2 must complete the following:

3 rounds for time:

1K row

30 DL @ 185/125

**Teammates will alternate the row every 30 seconds and switch back and forth every 5 reps on the DL. Teammates must tag to switch roles.

***Teammates can scale DL weight up to 205/135 or 225/155 if they each can move this with really good form. Teammates can also scale down as they need to.

Finish It (No Measure)

3 Rounds

20 Face Pulls

30 Banded Pull Aparts

:30 Side Plank each Side