Workout of the Day-Monday

3rd Wave, Week 4, Deload Back Squat 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% Then: 15 minute AMRAP 1…

Workout of the Day-Friday

Deadlift 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Then: 4 Round: 5 Wallwalks 10 Deadlift 255/175 20…

Workout of theDay-Thursday

4 Rounds 10 Jumping Lunges "each leg" 20 ABMAT 30 KBS 24/16kg 400m Run OR:…

Workout of the Day-Wednesday

Shoulder Press 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Then: 12 Minute AMRAP 5 L-Pupp-up 7 Ring…