
500m Row

10 Waiters Bow

Lunge Complex

10 Wall Squat

10 Shoulder Taps

10 Pass Through

PVC Snatch Complex


3 x 3 Position Snatch AHAP “Position 1, 2, and 3 without dropping the bar and no re-grip”


400m Run


Hang Snatch 95/65

50 Double Unders

400m Run


Yesterday was the end of the Whole30 Challenge…. So those of you that made it all of the way through are awesome. I’m proud of you ALL! I hope you make a choice to continue to eat clean. Your body will thank you for it….

We will be doing another Food Challenge on 1/1/13. Until then we should all make an attempt to eat 100% Paleo at least 80% of the time. Don’t get me wrong “I LOVE HOLIDAY FOOD”, but it’s not an excuse to say things like “I can’t eat well because of the Holidays” STAY STRONG…..