3 Position Snatch “AHAP”


4 Rounds

10 Snatch 95/65

10 T2B

200m Run

New Math

So a couple of years back my daughter brought a note home from school that explained “new math”. I remember thinking to myself “yeah… new numbers”. Maybe they were going to add my favorite number “a Gaaaazillion”. Well the paper didn’t say anything about my favorite number, but that’s not actually the point of my post.

I need to apologize for my actions because since I started CrossFit about 6 years ago the “BOARD” has been the Holy Grain to me. What other people write on the board each gives me a guideline to where my fitness is at that point. If someone beats me that day I guess something is off with my diet, sleep, or training all together. Hell maybe I just sucked that day. As time marched on I realized that some people maybe weren’t always putting an accurate account of their efforts that day. Ok, we who do CrossFit have been at a point in a workout where we say to that little voice in our hear “was that 6 or 2 Gaaazillion”? The best thing to do at that point is to go back to 6. I am by no means saying that if you finish a WOD, and you are 1 or 2 reps off you cheated. Like I said before we have all been there, but if you lose count all together and make up a random number. You aren’t being truthful to yourself or the rest of us gauging our performance off your score. This is about INTEGRITY not scores because at the end of the day the number you put on the board doesn’t make you a better athlete.

That all being said… what you put on the board is between you and your own conscience. I won’t be talking to other people about you, and I suggest that others don’t talk about other people to others. If you have an issue with someone. Take up with that person in a discreet manner, and remember “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”. We have an amazing group of people here at CFW, and I don’t want to taint that by “Gossiping”.

One thing I would like to do is everyone that is competitive can start posting their times on the blog. GAME ON….