Deadlift 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60%


3 Rounds with 2 minute Rest

5 minute AMRAP

400m Run “Buy-in” only at start of each AMRAP

5 RDL 135/95

3 HPC 135/95

1 S2OH 135/95

There is a 3 Burpee Penalty every time the bar touches the ground.

6amer’s gettin it done on a DL Friday….


Ok, get ready because we are going to do another Whole30 Challenge starting 1st Monday in Sept. Please ask for info if you don’t already have it. You can also go to the link on the right of our site. We will be having a NON PALEO “Beer and PIZZA PARTY” that we will share our favorite Whole30 meal options from last Challenge.

We will also have our cooler for Custom Fit Meals next Friday. Please visit their site to look at options